有絲分裂中染色體的運動和位置都正在被研究。我們呈現染色體運動時,由鈁錘絲和星狀體互相影響及鏈結在染色體上的生物馬達之動態情況。由於纖維叢和在染色體臂上的生物馬達互相拉扯,使得單側染色體運動,在此我們給予數學上的分析。 The motion and positioning of chromosome during cell division is investigated theoretically. We show that the interplay between the asterlike morphology of the mitotic spindle and the collective dynamics of motors accounts for chromosome motion. We perform a mathematic analysis where the motion of mono-oriented chromosome results from the competition between the kinetochore and chromokinesin motors on the chromosome arms.