摘要 本論文的主要目的有兩個,首先是利用微波遙測、雷達原理等理論,規劃並且制定地面遙測影像雷達的基礎參數,包括雷達架設的幾何考量、最小發射功率、接收功率的動態範圍等等…。第二是根據雷達信號處理的方法與架構,配合新一代即時整合發展環境 (RIDE),建立此遙測影像雷達基本的信號處理演算法。 不同於一般衛載雷達與空載雷達觀測距離較遠,地面遙測影像雷達為了達到維護方便,必須選擇架設高度較低的置高點。論文中將以架設高度為30公尺(大約10層樓高)做為設計的出發點,在9.6GHz的射頻中心頻率下以2公尺×2公尺的影像解析度為設計的目標,設計出合適的真實孔徑天線大小,進而推算出功率放大器最小應發射功率為何。 在雷達的信號處理上,主要是針對雷達系統的回波進行處理,以減抑由環境、系統、或人為等因素所產生的干擾,增加回波的信號雜訊比。在本論文中以信號積分、相關性與視窗處理做搭配,建立此一遙測影像雷達的基本演算法。 Abstract In this thesis, the main goals are two. Firstly, we will apply microwave remote sensing theory and RADAR principles to plan and design basic parameters at ground-based remote sensing image RADAR. And then we will build the basic RADAR signal processing algorithm based on RADAR signal processing methods and architectures in real-time integrated development design environment (RIDE) software. The ground-based remote sensing image RADAR is different from satellite-borne RADAR and airborne RADAR, in order to be maintained conveniently ,we must choice lower antenna height. In this thesis, the design procedure will base on the antenna height at 30 meter (about 10th floor) and center frequency 9.6GHz, to achieve suitable real aperture antenna size, and calculate minimum peak power at power amplifier. The RADAR signal processing is applied to RADAR return signals to suppress all kinds of interference from noise. In this thesis, we will combine three methods signal integration, correlation and windowing to build the algorithm.