現代宇宙學模擬指出由於恆星形成雲的碎裂,第一代大質量恆星系統可能是由多顆恆星所組成。這些恆星系統大部分發展成為雙星系統而非單恆星系統。在彼此很靠近的雙星系統中,兩顆恆星經常發生交互作用,這會導致顯著的質量交換過程進而影響兩顆恆星的命運。在本篇論文中,我將呈現我們使用一維恆星演化模擬程式MESA 的運行結果,並討論他們的物理特性。我們發現三種不同類型的具有相互作用的雙星系 統:共有包層、穩定吸積、碰撞事件。而我們的模擬程式, MESA, 只能夠處理穩定吸積的情況。為了計算具有相互作用的雙星系統的輻射能力,我們假設一個簡單的吸積盤模型來做近似並計算從中產生的游離光子。結果顯示質量傳輸過程可以顯著地影響雙星系統的演化過程及他們的命運。因此,在早期宇宙中,這些雙星系統的反饋可能對宇宙產生深遠的影響。;Modern cosmological simulations suggest that one massive Pop-III star might form into multi-pole stars due to the fragmentations of the star-forming cloud. Most of these stars are likely to develop into binaries instead of single isolated stars. In the case of close binaries, the interaction between two stars frequently occurs. It leads to drive a significant mass-transfer even affect the fate of the two stars. In paper, I show the results of our stellar evolution models of Pop-III/EMP binaries with MESA and discuss their physical properties. We find three different types of interacting binaries, common envelope, stable accretion, merger event. Our simulation code, MESA, can only deal with stable accretion cases. To calculate the radiative feedback of interacting binaries, we use a simple accretion disk model to approximate the accretion disk and calculate the ionizing photons from it. The results suggest that mass-transfer can dramatically affect the evolution track and the fate of these binaries. Therefore, the stellar feedback of Pop-III/EMP binaries may have a profound impact on the early Universe.