藉由實驗室模擬太陽風與地球磁場所耦合的地球磁層結構,並以東西方向和南北方向觀測各種外加行星際磁場Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) 控制下的磁層圖像。當外加南向和北向IMF時,都能觀察到極光,但是外加南向IMF時極光的亮度變得更強。此外,我們也探討了在日側和磁尾部分所產生的磁重聯現象。而當模擬地磁球以20度傾斜,我們除了影像結果也進行了電腦模擬,將其與實驗室模擬中的實驗結果的照片進行比較。應用(NASA’s Community Coordinated Modeling Center,簡稱 CCMC) CCMC上的兩種模擬整體性地球磁層的模式,我們得到電腦模擬與實驗室模擬相較之下,磁力線的曲率無論是模擬地磁球在未傾斜或傾斜,兩者定性上皆能相當匹配吻合。 ;Both east - west and north - south view images of magnetosphere for various interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) parameters have been investigated simultaneously in a laboratory experiment of the solar wind - magnetosphere coupling. An aurora is observed for both case of southward and northward IMF but the luminosity becomes stronger for southward IMF. Also, the reconnections are investigated in the front and tail areas. Inserting the 20 - degree terrella tilt, the study of modeling analysis is also processed for comparison with photograph of the experimental results in the laboratory simulation. Applied the models on CCMC overview of the global structure, the comparisons of model and laboratory simulation show the curvatures of the magnetic lines are qualitatively matched for the un-tilted and tilted terrella.