在這篇論文中,吾人在接收端採用決定回授檢測相差編碼技術的 前提下定義趨近同調相差空時調變碼,並且提出趨近同調相差空 時調變碼之性質。此性質即為判斷相差空時調變碼之充份條件。 最後以典型的相差空時調變碼為例,模擬分析其同調偵測趨近性 質。 In this thesis, decision-feedback differential detection (DF-DD) receiver is applied and decision-feedback approaching-coherent differential space-time modulation (DFAC-DSTM) code is defined. One of its properties is proposed, which is the sufficient condition ofDFAC-DSTM codes. Analytical results of classic DSTM codeword sets confirm the interpretation of the proposed property.