角色扮演遊戲 (RPG) 是電腦遊戲領域發展以來最讓人醉心的遊戲品項之一. 大致上,這種類型的遊戲多半設置為,玩家需要帶領一個主角或一隊冒險者,經由不斷的精進這些遊戲腳色的能力,取得裝備等來克服冒險旅程中的任務挑戰,一路進展,迎來最終勝利成果或完成故事設定的完結.這一切聽起來,與採用能力導向管理模式為基礎的現代企業人才經營與管理的作為完全一致.在企業管理中,部門主管也有需求想要即時掌握團隊中的每個成員的經驗和技能在訓練以及執行任務以後發生的變化.此外,由於部門主管在指派工作時,往往對於團隊個人的能力沒有可量化的陳述,所以難以系統化的預期任務的成功率.而當我們觀察電腦角色扮演遊戲的世界,這些需求都可以被完善的遊戲機制設定以及角色特質形塑系統所詮釋.本篇論文研究是否我們可以參考電腦角色扮演遊戲的模式,來創造一個能力導向的管理系統框架,以利組織人才經營管理.;Role playing game (RPG) is one of the most fascinating type developed in computer game category. Most of the time, the players are designed to develop the protagonist or a band of adventurers to sharpen their skills, acquire equipment to overcome the challenges ahead of the quests that lead to a grand victory or completion of the story. This sounds totally matching to the competency-based management that the modern enterprises are using for talent management. In business management, there are also needs for people managers to monitor the changes of the individuals in the teams for experiences and skill levels in a more timely fashion whenever the training activities placed, tasks executed etc. People managers are also facing challenges that it is hard to systematically predict the possibility of success when they don’t have good static visibility on the individual’s competences on the job assignment. When we look at the computer RPG world, these all can be done by a well-defined game setting and characteristic system. The objective of this thesis is to study if we can reference the system in computer RPG and create an authentic competency-based architecture for talent management in organizations.