隨著科技進步、筆記型電腦替代品興起以及經濟全球化,使得筆記型電腦代工企業面臨著巨大的競爭壓力。本論文旨在探討台灣筆記型電腦代工產業所面對的挑戰,並提出未來發展策略之建議。本文以C公司為例,以個案研究方式進行探索,使用管理理論Porter五力分析和SWOT分析探討C公司所處的外部產業環境和內部自身的資源配置,並進一步剖析C公司未來具體可行之競爭策略。 台灣筆記型電腦代工企業正面臨著關鍵零組件漲價或缺貨、中國缺工、人力成本提高、智慧型手機和平板電腦搶占市場佔有率、製造能力差異化小、為爭奪訂單企業採取削價競爭等問題。而C公司未來具體可採用之經營策略包含 (1)短期競爭策略:產線自動化、產學合作、發展多元化產品業務;以及 (2)中期競爭策略:併購下游供應商或整合供應商資源、加速研發5G電腦。期許本研究結果能協助C公司未來發揮其持續性競爭優勢,亦能提供筆記型電腦產業中相關代工廠商發展策略方針之思考方向。;With the advancement of technology, the rise of alternatives to notebook computers, and the globalization of economy, notebook OEMs are facing enormous competitive pressures. The objectives of this study are to explore the challenges faced by the Taiwan’s notebook OEM industry and to provide suggestions for future business strategies. This study takes Company C as the case to analyze, using Porter’s five forces analysis and SWOT analysis to discuss the external notebook industrial environment and internal resource conditions. The results of the case study intend to provide possible future competitive strategies for Company C in particular and the industry in general. Taiwan’s notebook OEMs are facing a number of problems, such as rising costs, shortage of key components, and shortage of labors. With smart phones and tablets grabbing the market shares and manufacturing capabilities becoming less differentiated, companies in the industry are using price competition to capture or maintain business orders. From the case study, the business strategies that Company C can adopt in the future are (1) short-term competitive strategies: production line automation, industry-academia cooperation and more diversified products, and (2) mid-term competitive strategies: merging downstream suppliers or integrating suppliers’ resources and accelerating the development of 5G computers. The results of this study can help Company C realize its sustainable competitive advantage, as well as give strategic directions for the relevant OEMs to consider.