在本篇論文中,主要針對放大轉發(amplify-and-forward)全雙工中繼節點(full-duplex relay)其中斷性能做討論,並且將其做最佳化一同比較性能。目前絕大部分的研究都專注於將自干擾(self-interference)訊號視作干擾的一部分,以致於在研究中想將自干擾訊號完全消除掉,吾人所提出的系統架構,將自干擾訊號用於協助接收端做訊息解碼,在中繼節點使用功率分配器將包含自干擾的接收訊號能量進行分配,分別提供給能量獵取和訊息傳遞使用,並推導出一端到端中斷概率之近似的封閉形式解,並進行優化。此外,在實際的系統模型中,中繼節點的處理延遲會大於1,吾人所提出的封閉形式解在此條件下依然適用。最後,吾人先行證實理論值會和程式模擬值的結果在不同條件下均相符合,並在對系統進行優化,結果顯示吾人所提出的全雙工系統架構經優化後,其中斷效能無論在何種狀況下均會優於固定分配因子下的系統。;This paper discusses the outage performance of full-duplex relay channel using amplify-and-forward(AF) relay protocol with energy harvesting(EH) and compare with its optimum one. Previous works almost focused on that destination treated the self-interference signal as interference only, so in that works they wanted to eliminate self-interference(SI) signal. We provide a system model with make self-interference signal assist information decoding at the destination. At the relay node, the received signals, including self-interference, are split according to a power ratio for information processing (IP) and energy harvesting, respectively. We derive an approximate, yet accurate, closed-form expression for the end-to-end outage probability and optimum one. In addition, the processing delay is larger than one in practice, the proposed close-form outage probability expression is still valid. Finally, we corroborate our theoretical results with simulations in different situations. The results indicate that the proposed system model with optimization can outperforms system with fixed power splitting method.