本論文主要是探討利用共平面波導結構來實現GPS射頻前端接收機模組,其中包含三個部份,分別為天線、帶通濾波器以及低雜訊放大器。天線部分以多頻共振的原理,在不影響增益及方向性前提下,使頻寬由1.5%提升至3%;帶通濾波器則利用慢波(slow wave)結構,使得在頻寬及插入損失之間取得平衡時,尺寸能夠大幅縮小;最後低雜訊放大器則以 型共平面波導不連續結構來完成,使得匹配網路更加穩定,並提供16.5dB的增益值。在設計過程中,皆針對結構中每一個重要參數對S參數的影響以及實作的可行性來加以討論,尋找簡易設計的程序,並且對設計時可能遭遇到的問題,以理論的方式分析並提供可行的解決辦法。 In the thesis, a RF front end for GPS receiver is designed using coplanar-waveguide structure. Three parts of the receiver are mainly considered:antenna, band pass filter, and low noise amplifier. Based on the principle of the multi-band resonance, the bandwidth of the antenna is increased for 1.5% to 3%, compared to single patch antenna. Moreover, it is done without sacrificing antenna gain. The filter is designed using slow-wave structure, and therefore the size is reduced significantly. The noise filter is designed using the -type CPW discontinuities, 16.5dB of gain of LNA is obtained. Every effects of important parameters on S-parameter and experiment feasibility are investigated. At the end simple design procedures are presented.