Abstract: | 熱電材料廣泛的用途,及其綠色能源永續發展的特性,逐漸成為目前主流趨勢。隨著技術發展成熟,熱電發電機轉換效率也在提升,如鋼鐵、水泥等製造業,也以廢熱進行發電。 氧化物半導體的熱穩定性及化學穩定性,使其成為適合的熱電材料,且研究指出奈米結構的特性可以降低熱導,進而提高ZT值。 本論文研究對象為N型半導體材料,主要使用材料為氧化銦,再透過添加二氧化鈰、鋅以及二氧化矽等,量測其作為熱電元件的可能性。我們發現以4at%比例的二氧化鈰添加至氧化銦,其熱電特性較為優秀,也較為穩定。選定較佳的材料後,開始模組的製作,並量測其發電功率。雖然本實驗成功製做出模組,但其功率及結構性並不如預期,整體結構不夠穩固,且整體電阻值過高,導致發電功率較低,希望能以此實驗為基石,在往後能尋找更合適之方法來改善目前問題,以研發出高轉換效率之熱電模組。 ;Thermoelectric (TE) materials are promising candidates for many applications, including thermopiles, thermal sensors, and TE cooler for laser diodes. The performance of a TE device is characterized by the figure of merit (ZT). Oxide semiconductors are regarded as the potential candidates for high-temperature TE applications due to thermal and chemical stability in ambient condition at high temperature. Theoretical calculations and experimental results suggest that ZT can be enhanced in nanostructured materials. It has been reported that In_2 O_3-based ceramics are with high power factors, and the ZT value of In_2 O_3-based ceramics can be effectively improved by reducing the thermal conductivity. In this work, the TE properties of In_2 O_3 doped with Zn and CeO_2 have been investigated. The powders composition were designed as In_1.92 Ce_0.08 O_3 and In1.96Zn0.04O3. These thermoelectric materials were employed to fabricate a thermoelectric module for power generation. In the future work, an enhanced ZT value and contact material are needed for high-temperature TE modules. |