本文主要是對二個主題作介紹,分別為有縫鋼管製程分析及資料採集與監控系統(Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition,縮寫為SCADA)於鋼管業上的運用,有縫鋼管製程分析部分是利用三種不同SQ(擠壓)滾輪模具間隙製作的管件做物性的測試比較,可發現SQ(擠壓)滾輪模具間隙小其管件強度較強而伸長率較差,反之SQ(擠壓)滾輪模具間隙寬其管件強度較弱而伸長率較好;SCADA於鋼管業上的運用部分是針對主要影響製管機稼動率的因素做分析,可發現主要影響稼動率的因素為更換鋼管尺寸的時候,佔總停機百分比的一半以上,故如能對此做適當的調整應可對製管機稼動率有所改善。;This thesis mainly introduces two themes, which are the analysis of the process of welded steel pipe and the application of SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) in the steel pipe industry. The part of the welded steel pipe process analysis is a comparison of the physical properties of three different SQ roller gaps. It can be found that the SQ roller gap is small and the pipe strength is strong and the elongation is poor. On the contrary, the SQ roller gap is large, and the pipe strength is weak and the elongation is good; SCADA′s application in the steel pipe industry is to analyze the factors that mainly affect utilization rate of the pipe-making machine. It can be found that the main factor affecting utilization rate is the replacement of the size (mold replacement), which accounts for about half of the total downtime rate. if you can make appropriate adjustments to this, you should be able to improve the utilization rate of the pipe-making machine.