摘要: | 台灣現今面臨能源缺乏與環境污染等問題,其中解決火力發電為主之電力結構為一有效之方案,作為替代火力發電之選項眾多如風力發電、水力發電與太陽能等,但因其各種問題,使得無法成為主流解決方案,本團隊藉台灣四面環海與光照充足等利基點,藉本計畫提出一高效穩定低成本之雙效產氫產電系統,以滿足環保能源需求及減少火力發電汙染問題。子計畫一「高效穩定海水光電分解PEC(photoelectrochemical)系統電極材料之開發」中,將使用具特殊晶面之三氧化二鐵披覆層狀雙氫氧化物作為OER(oxygen evolution reaction)陽極並結合本子計畫共同主持人洪緯璿教授於美國史丹佛大學擔任訪問學者期間至今與戴宏杰教授合作開發之新式鎳基HER(hydrogen evolution reaction)陰極,得穩定高效之光電催化PEC系統。子計畫二「具正面浮接射極結構之交指式背電極矽晶太陽能電池製作開發」中,陳一塵教授團隊採用三極式正面浮動射極(frontal floating emitter, FFE)的結構設計,開發低成本FFE結構之IBC太陽能電池(Interdigitated back contact solar cell)製程。在總計畫中結合兩子計畫之PEC系統與FFE-IBC太陽能元件,得一高效穩定低成本之雙效產氫產電HPEV(hybrid photoelectrochemical and voltaic)系統,後持續優催化海水分解之效率並系統性透過計算機模探討載子傳輸路徑,並回饋各子計畫改良研究成果,同時HPEV系統可以透過反應條件控制改變產氫產電之比率,更適合因應智慧電網尖峰離峰之調控需求,希冀改善台灣之環境。 ;Taiwan is facing problems such as energy shortage and environmental pollution. How to reduce the thermal power generation is considered as an effective direction. Several alternative sustainable energies, such as wind power generation, hydropower and solar energy are promising candidates. However, due to various different challenges and limits, none can become the final solution. Taiwan is surrounded by the sea and sufficient light, therefore, we have proposed a high-efficiency, low-cost dual hydrogen and electricity production system, a new green solution to reduce the problem of thermal power pollution. In the Sub-project 1, ‘‘The development of the electrode materials for the high-efficiency stable seawater photoelectrochemical (PEC) system’’, the layered double hydroxide integrated with special facet control iron oxide crystal surface will be used as the OER (oxygen evolution reaction) photo anode and combined with the nickel-based HER (hydrogen evolution reaction) electrode, which Prof. Wei-Hsuan Hung (co PI of Sub-project 1) developed together with Prof. Hongjie Dai at Stanford University in the United States. In the Sub-project 2 ‘‘The development of interdigitated back electrode solar cells with frontal floating emitter structure’, Prof. I-Chen Chen’s team will use a three-pole frontal floating emitter (FFE) structure design to develop a low-cost FFE-IBC(interdigitated back contact) solar cell process. Finally, we will integrate these two sub-projects of the PEC system and FFE-IBC solar components together to obtain an efficient, stable and low-cost dual-energy output, hydrogen and electricity, HPEV (hybrid photoelectrochemical and voltaic) system for the catalytic seawater splitting. Moreover, the carrier transmission path at interfaces and junctions will be simulated and discussed for further improvement. Again, this new HPEV system can efficiently control the output ratio of hydrogen production and electricity for different reaction conditions. It is more suitable for the regulation of the peak of the smart grid, and hopes this project can improve and provide a better solution for renewable energy development in Taiwan. |