毒品問題日益嚴重,吸毒人數不斷攀升,年齡也逐漸下降,其中新興毒品問題更是殘害年輕一代身心健康、動搖國本的重大社會問題。然而,新興毒品變化快速,開發對應的初步篩檢試劑需要開發時間,且新興毒品在市面上流通的量比起傳統之濫用藥物的流通量較小,短期也無法引起快篩試劑製造商的研發意願,因此也造成毒品快篩檢驗與防治的困難。質譜分析技術為目前毒品檢驗之黃金標準,利用質譜分析非侵入方式取得檢體來做濫用藥物篩檢應是檢測方面需努力的方向。本研究團隊所發展的奈米矽質譜晶片技術具有高靈敏度以及快速檢測等特性。在先前的研究中,我們已證明奈米矽質譜晶片能以快速且極低檢體量的方式直接檢測吸毒者尿液檢體中之安非他命類、嗎啡類及愷他命等傳統濫用毒物。此技術對應至新興毒品,奈米矽晶片可以省去開發抗體的時間,迅速找出新興毒品的相關檢測條件,非常適合使用於新興毒品快速篩檢。緣此,「高敏度微流體質譜分析晶片應於新興毒品快篩之研究」計畫提出以簡易微流體方式進行樣本前處理與奈米矽質譜分析,建立現場運作機制及規範,並驗證結合小型化質譜儀分析之目標,以達到毒品混用以及新興毒品快速篩選以嚇阻並防範藥物濫用之計畫目的。 ;Drug abuse and addiction have become a serious problem. The number of addictive drug person has increased each year. And the age of taking drugs also decrease each year. Among all the illicit abused drugs, designer drugs are the most serious problem which damage the young generation severely. Because designer drug developed rapidly, the antibody-based test strip can’t be an appropriate approach for on-site drug detection due to the longer development time from antibody vendors. These issues create challenges for designer drug screening. Mass spectrometry (MS) methods such as GC-MS or LC-MS are recognized as Gold-Standard for abused drug analysis. Developing a non-invasive MS detection method that capable analysis the designer drug in a short time is an important issue in drug detection technology. Our research group has developed a nanostructure-based silicon mass spectrometry (nSi-MS) analysis for abused drug detection. We proved that the nSi-MS analysis can detection the abused drugs such as amphetamine, opiates, and ketamine in the urine sample. Using the nSi-MS for designer drug analysis, the nSi-MS exhibit unique advantage in its rapid developing time for designer drug analysis strategies. Thus, the “High sensitive microfluidics-mass spectrometry chip for designer drug detection” project is focus on developing simple and rapid MS approach for designer drug detection. And establish the dynamic detection range and on-site screening strategies to solve the abused designer drug problems.