廢棄物焚化過程之持久性有機污染物排放問題廣受民眾矚目,然焚化過程除戴奧辛外,亦可能生成其他有機鹵化物,如氯苯、氯酚、多環芳香七烴、多氯聯苯及多氯萘等,上述有機鹵化物部分已受斯德哥爾摩公約管制(如戴奧辛、多氯聯苯、五氯苯、六氯苯、五氯酚等),然而國內尚未針對除戴奧辛以外之持久性有機污染物進行管制且對戴奧辛之排放管制尚無法與先進國家同步,因此,調查焚化爐排放之有機鹵化物並掌握其生成及去除特性,可供未來修行焚化爐排放法規及全面建置POPs排放資料庫之依據,爰此,本研究第一年擬開發多種有機鹵化物同時前處理與分析技術,藉前處理程序測試及儀器分析測試,滿足不同樣品中有機鹵化物分析之需求。第二年擬針對國內兩座具有不同空氣污染防制設備(APCDs)之焚化爐進行採樣分析,探討焚化廢氣經不同APCDs處理後,有機鹵化物之去除效率,亦可掌握煙道排氣及集塵灰中有機鹵化物的生成與流布特性。第三年則藉由實驗室系統探討各項污染物於焚化實廠中的生成行為與排放特性。該系統可精確控制升溫/降溫速率,可有效模擬有機鹵化物於焚化系統之溫度變化。在參數探討方面,除氣體組成及溫度外,亦針對戴奧辛生成所需之參數進行深入探討。 ;Emission of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) from municipal waste incinerators(MWIs) has caused much attention worldwide. In addition to polychlorinated debenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs), other toxic halogenated pollutants may form during incineration such as chlorobenzenes, chlorophenols, polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and polychlorinated naphthalene (PCNs). Some of these halogenated pollutants have already been listed as POPs by the Stockholm Convention, however they are not promulgated by Taiwan government yet. Therefore, investigating the emission characteristics of halogenated pollutants in MWI and studying the formation mechanism of halogenated pollutants can provide the essential information for improving the regulation and building the database to reduce the health risks associated. Based on aforementioned reasons, this project aims to develop analytical methods for simultaneous measurements of halogenated pollutants in the first year. Besides, different mass spectrometers are used for the analysis to satisfy different kinds of matrix. In the second year, the analytical method developed will be used for investigating the distribution and concentration of halogenated pollutants in two large-scale MWIs equipped with different air pollution control devices. During the last year, we will build up a lab-scale system which can control the rising/decreasing rate of temperature for studying formation behavior of halogenated pollutants in MWI in detail.