本研究以桃園縣市某集團長照機構本籍照顧服務員為例,以問卷和訪談進行資料蒐集,由工作設計及工作特性模式理論,探討檢視照顧服務員的工作滿意度。研究結果顯示住民與家屬態度不佳、薪資結構不佳與體力負荷造成身體傷害三項是造成照顧服務員工作滿意低落的主因。本研究針對研究結果,提出管理實務及未來研究之建議。;According to job design and job characteristics model, this study examines the determinants of job satisfaction of the long-term care nursing assistants with samples drawn from long-term care organizations in Taoyuan County. Survey and interview were conducted for data collection. It is found that unfriendly response from the disabled and their family, inadequate salary, injuries caused by physical overload are three major causes leading to low job satisfaction. Based on the findings, managerial implications and suggestions for future research are thus discussed.