“南向政策” 的推廣使得東南亞市場為注目的焦點,印尼在本區域中有著龐大年輕的人口且分散居住於兩萬多個島上,正是金融科技發展的好區域。本研究是設想有一筆資金,探討如何投資印尼金融科技服務,包含所需資金、回收年數及與伊斯蘭金融的關聯性。研究結果發現,眾籌服務平台進入門檻低,可服務客群也多;符合伊斯蘭金融的眾籌服務平台,獲利略優於其他的眾籌服務平台。眾籌服務平台目前多為新創公司,從頭開始,除了需面對許多挑戰外,還要持續數十年的投資才能回收。因此本文最後建議,可以先從投資現有的平台或是加入會員做為起始,並建議後續研究者,蒐集更多此產業上市公司財務狀況,對於投資做更詳盡的評估。;“New South bound policy” has made Southeast Asia under spotlight. Indonesia has large young population living in more than 20,000 islands, thereby making it a perfect location to develop Fintech. This study examines how to enter FinTech industry in Indonesia, , including the fund required, the number of years to recover the initial investment and the profitability of the Islamic finance. The research results show a low entry barrier to crowdfunding in Indonesia with a huge potential market. In addition, an Islamic crowdfunding platform is more profitable than a non-Islamic crowdfunding platform. Most of the crowdfunding platforms today are start-ups which face fierce competition and need decades to get back the initial costs. This study thus suggests that starting with joining an existing platform as a member or investing in an extant company would be a better choice. Future researchers can conduct a further analysis of listed firms in this industry and do a more sophisticated evaluation.