先前提出計算4×4零區塊個數作區塊模式決策之演算法效能已很好,然而其在高位元率下編碼效益並不顯著,所以在本論文中,我們提出參照8×8和4×4零區塊分佈之快速區塊模式演算法,藉此減少低量化參數、高位元率下的運算複雜度,加快編碼的時間,並且利用不同移動量向量位移取得更多8×8以及4×4零區塊個數,最後提出適應所有編碼情況的結合演算法,其擷取先前與我們所提出演算法之優點,盡可能地達到編碼加速,除此之外,我們針對畫面內區塊模式作簡化動作,減少其I4MB區塊模式決策數目,使畫面內預測複雜度降低。從實驗數據顯示,我們所提出的演算法最快可減少73%左右的編碼時間,同時維持畫面品質在一定可接受的失真範圍之內。 In the previous work we presented a zero-block mode decision algorithm. Although it reduces the computation time base upon the number of zero blocks, its performance on time saving is still limited for high bit-rate. We therefore propose some methods to reduce the computational complexity of inter/intra mode decision as possible. At first, we find the improvement by using different motion vectors to compute the number of zero-blocks (ZBs). Then, we utilize both 8×8 and 4×4 zero-blocks distribution as another zero-block mode decision algorithm. Finally, we integrate these ideals into a hybrid algorithm and SATD-based for I4MB intra mode prediction. According to the experimental results, our proposed algorithm can achieve 73% of time saving on average while maintaining coding performance.