摘要: | A集團公司經營方向從關鍵核心技術為主要,藉由客戶市場需求、產品類別規模逐漸推展與擴大。2000年開始藉由產業相關多角化發展到2018年,陸續擴廠總計達12個廠區,過程中除了內部事業單位的擴增之外,也考量到策略聯盟或是併購合作機制,來增加A集團公司的營運領域。雖然營業額急速成長20倍,問題是,也面臨到逐年資本支出持續過大,投資效益無法在短期內回收,股本不斷膨脹之下影響到EPS多年下來無法達到5以上,產生經營瓶頸。 此研究則是要探討改善現況,重點在切入組織設計建構上需要能隨著經營規模的持續擴大,依客戶導向,做出適當的調整應變方案為重點,以研究者本身任職公司作為研究對象,藉由實務工作經驗與理論加上主管訪談認知三個方面,整合建議經營過程中,需先從以下四個管理機制來強化內部管理作業,並且是有效性,同時能在中央總部與廠區事業單位的協調合作上,借由發揮經營綜效來達到持續降低營運成本的可能性。 (1) 組織架構與整合協調:非相關參與營運過程中的單位由總部統籌運作,再視廠區的成長經營規模,授權給廠區主管決策,總部與廠區必須保持訊息暢通與直接協調,降低決策錯誤的機會。 (2) 內部交易與轉撥計價:有交易需求時,可由總部針對新事業單位給予扶持優惠政策外,其他有關事業單位交易時,可由直接協商或是共同在有利條件下自由選擇。 (3) 跨事業單位資訊分享與技術交流:建立交流平台,藉由權限管理下由資訊分層管理到專案管理,再由篩選過程中聚焦,並以專案會議方式進行分享交流。 (4) 績效考核與獎勵制度:績效考核與獎勵制度結合,並針對總部共用資源的滿意度調查,與事業單位間的合作產生綜效的效益一起列入評比,並將資訊分享與技術交流這部分計量計質方式列入。 期望的效果:預計執行內部資源共享下達到資本支出節降與持續提高經營效益。;The business of Group Corporation A centers around manufacturing of key technological products. Through reacting to market and customer demands, it has gradually been expanding its product lines. Beginning from 2000, it started to diversify. Apart from internal growth, it also expanded through acquisition, merger and strategic alliances. By 2018, it has a total of 12 factories, and achieved a 20 times growth in revenue. With the phenomenal growth, it is now faced with a set of operational difficulties, including excessive annual capital expenditure, slow pay-off, diluted earnings per share that is under five for many years. This study attempts to look into the issues, and propose solution to tackle the problems. It includes customer orientation and resilient organization redesign to cope with internal and external changes. As a senior manager participating in the operations of the company, the researcher took the relevant managerial concepts as foundations, coupled with personal experience and insights, in addition to managerial interviews, to arrive at the recommendations. The proposal aims at enhancing internal collaboration and cost reductions, includes four aspects: (1) organizational structure: empowerment of the operational units; better information exchange of these units to lower wrong decisions; and central coordination of staff functions by the headquarters. (2) transfer pricing: setting up of an efficient mechanism in transfer pricing in cases of transactions among internal units, such that new strategic units are protected, while others are free to follow the market. (3) information sharing and technology exchange: establishing of an information sharing mechanism to facilitate technology assimilations; transforming from hierarchical structure to project structure. (4) performance appraisal and reward system: restructuring the performance appraisal and reward systems to achieve motivation towards goals, coupled with periodical satisfaction survey on shared resources and headquarters services. This proposal is expected to enhance sharing of resources and operational efficiencies, to achieve overall profits. |