本研究主要探討內容為:1.取6 座垃圾焚化廠之底渣做基本性質 試驗,2.對底渣與水泥拌合後產生氣體並造成試體脹裂之問題進行探 討,3.對底渣中有機物造成的底渣與水泥拌合後所產生的緩凝與強度 不良之影響進行探討。 經初步研究討論,以前處理方法推導出的理論除氣藥劑可除去部 分之氣體,同時,以實驗室所模擬之二次焚化與浸泡藥劑方式亦可去 除有機物之潛在危害,唯在實務之應用上仍需再做更進一步的研究, 以期找到更低成本且具高效率處理方法。 The scope of this research are : (1) measure the basic properties of MSWI bottom ash; (2) study the solution to improve the expansion problem resulted from the gas production after mixing the bottom ash with cement; (3) investigate the methods to accelerate the setting time of bottom ash contained mortar due to the retardation of cement hydration induced from the organic matter in the ash. Test results show that the generation of hydrogen resulted from the reaction of the aluminum contained in the bottom ash with alkaline or acidic solution might be the source of gas production to induce mortar expansion. Spray sodium hydroxide or phosphoric acid on the bottom ash could reduce the gas production. However, immerse the bottom ash in sodium hydroxide or phosphoric acid solution would abtain better efficiency of gas reduction. Both reincinerate the bottom ash and washing the bottom ash by sodium hydroxide solution could accelerate the setting time and inicrease the strength development of the mortar contained ash due to the reduction of organic matter in the ash.