1:1數位學習意指在一個學習群體或課堂中,每一個學生都擁有一個具有無線通訊功能的數位設備,並用以參與學習活動。此博士論文將從討論最基礎的1:1數位學習環境系統 (digital classroom environment, DCE) -互動遙控教學系統 (interactive response system, IRS) 開始,根據研究團隊歷年的研究與設計經驗,來描述一個1:1數位學習教室的通用架構。本論文將分下列幾個主要項目來描述:1. 探討IRS系統的概念相關研究,指出IRS在教學應用上的四個重要特色。2. 以自行設計發展的IRS系統為案例-名稱為EduClick,描述IRS系統設計、實作方案。3. 描述EduClick系統的互動教學模式,並描述其應用特色與範例、運用於實際教學情境之狀況。4. 評估與討論EduClick在學校的使用情形。5. 延伸EduClick設計經驗,提出一個1:1數位學習的通用架構,包含了定義數位教室重要組成元素、列舉指出無線通訊科技所帶來的主要教育應用意涵及其應用方案等。本論文希望能對未來1:1數位學習的研究者提供一個基礎架構,由最基礎系統開始累積應用模式經驗,進而能觸類旁通運用在未來更複雜的1:1數位學習環境。最後在附錄中,則描述EduClick的其他延伸工作,包含各版本的DCE系統演進與描述,期能涵蓋本博士研究的完整面貌。 1:1 educational computing refers to a scenario where every student in a group or class uses a computing device equipped with wireless communication capability to conduct a learning task. This thesis, discusses the most basic 1:1 digital classroom environment (DCE), interactive response system, and drawing from our design experiences, attempts to describe a framework for educational computing inside the classroom. There are several works in this thesis. First, based on the overview of IRS related systems, identifies four general features of IRS. Second, describes the basic interactivity modes and some examples of combined modes using IRS. Third, takes EduClick system as an example of IRS to describe its design and implementation. Fourth, a preliminary evaluation for EduClick system applied to primary schools is given. Finally, describes a framework of 1:1 educational computing classroom, some major components of a 1:1 educational computing environment were identified, and defines the notion of communication affordances in order to describe the educational implications offered by wireless communication capabilities. In the appendix, illustrates other extra work including how to expand EduClick system to an extensive learning environment to support learning content sharing and development and learning community, EduCities, and how EduClick system can also be extended to other more powerful devices.