摘要: | 本研究採用敘說的方式,描述研究者透過觀察與親身進入田野,將平板電腦融入低年級國語課堂,作為教師教學與學生學習生字詞語時的輔助教具。教師採用逐步引導和親自示範的方式,給予學生較多的操作演練機會,多次、反覆的練習至學生能夠自行透過教師指定的開放網路平台「國語小字典」查找和認識該課生字的補充教材,期望藉此提升學生學習生字詞語的自主性、維持學習動機與興趣並且記錄下學生學習轉變的過程。 整個歷程研究依照時間軸分為四個時程:事前準備期、運作期前期、運作後期穩定期與省思期。從平板電腦尚未進入教室的準備期,進入人與科技產品初見、碰撞的衝突時期,逐漸的磨合形成較成熟的學習模式,最後撰寫下研究者對於三位代表學生之觀察記錄與教師自身的省思札記。研究者透過軼事記錄、錄影影片與課後立即歸納問題等方式,不加修飾和評論,以最真實的樣貌試圖呈現予讀者當初的課堂。 在經歷了兩個半月左右的實踐過程後,結論從科技面、學習面與教學面三個面向來說明,此三面向應相輔相成,科技產品融入教學勢不可免,教學者如何設計適宜的課程搭配學生的學習,才能達到最佳的教與學的成效。;The thesis was focused on using tablets in lower grades Chinese class to teach students how to apply Chinese words and expressions, also, as a teaching aids for teachers and students. This study was adopted narrative research that described researcher observation and into the field by self. Teacher gradually guided and shown examples for students to use and gave them opportunities to operate tablets. Drill-and-practice until students can search on the platform named “Chinese Dictionary” by themselves, as well as understand the supplemental materials of the class. Thereby promoting self-learning about words and expressions, maintaining students’ learning motivation and interesting, and writing down the changed of learning process. There were four periods of the whole process: preparation, earlier operation, later stable operation, and reflection. From the preparation period that tablets hadn’t exit in classes, to the conflict period that started to integrate technology into classes; gradually, into the adjustment period that become more mature learning model. Finally, researcher write down the records about three representative students and reflection diaries by self. Through anecdotal record, recording, and immediately sum up the problems after classes, researcher without modify and judgment, just present the reality for the readers. After the practice process about two months, there are three phases as conclusions: technology, learning, and teaching. The three phases must be complementarity, teaching can’t avoid technology products, besides, teachers have to learn how to design appropriated courses to adopt students’ learning, so that learn and teach can reach the best achievement. |