將一部熱門影片以廣播的型式播送至用戶端,可讓多數的用戶共享頻道以減少頻道的使用量。一類新的廣播策略是將一部影片切成等長度的數個片斷, 在伺服端利用多個頻道分別以特定的週期傳送這些片斷, 以大幅縮短用戶端的等待時間,其中Fast Broadcasting scheme(FB scheme)和 Pagoda Broadcasting scheme (PB scheme ) 便是這類策略的代表。 若使用k個頻道來廣播一部片長為D的熱門影片,FB scheme將可減少用戶端的最大等待時間至O(D / (2^k) ) 的程度, 而PB scheme 的最大等待時間則為 O(D / (5^(k/2)))。 在這篇論文當中,我們提出了一種新的頻道配置策略 Recursive Frequency-Splitting scheme ( RFS scheme), 以一種簡單而有系統的方式來配置頻道, 而且更能有效的利用頻寬, 大幅縮短用戶端的等待時間。另外我們也對這類問題的最大等待時間的下限做了一些分析和討論。 One way to broadcast a popular/hot video is to let multiple users share a few channels. The stress on the scarce channels can be alleviated without sacrificing viewer waiting time. One common approach is to partition the video into fixed-length segments, which are broadcast on several channels periodically. Two representative approaches are the Fast Broadcasting scheme and the PAGODA scheme , which can broadcast a video using k channels by having new-coming viewers to wait no longer than O(D/2^k) and O(D/5^(k/2)) time, respectively, where D is the length of the video. In this paper, we propose a new scheme, called Recursive Frequency-Splitting (RFS), that significantly improves over existing schemes in terms of viewer waiting time. Some lower bounds on the waiting time are also developed.