偶劇場是在少數學生或個人可演出的學習劇場,學生或小組可以數位偶戲發揮創意展現自己的學習成果,並且提供自己偶戲供別人學習之用。本計畫擬設計製作一個供學習使用的數位偶劇場,偶的製作以人的骨架為基礎,在這個骨架上做出外型與頭部臉部,動作與表演均模擬人的動作。數位偶可以使用不同方式操控如語音,肢體動作,手勢等。系統的目標是,在展演或是編劇中學生與老師主要著重於知識的講授與應用,而表演的部分是由偶來負責。本系統的製作包含幾個子系統(1)偶的外型製作(2)偶的動作(3)偶的操控介面(4)偶的認知智慧(5)偶的劇場佈置(6)偶戲劇編輯系統(7)偶戲劇展演系統。偶劇場的目標是支持可以重混的偶戲劇製作與透過偶劇場觀看/展演與編劇來學習,也希望透過偶劇場可以展現創造與想像的展現。與數位遊戲不同的是,偶劇場是透過扮演與操控偶來表演給觀眾看,而不是玩遊戲的得分與過關。 ;Unlike a stage theater that needs all actors to play the roles in a drama, a puppet theater can let one person or few people to perform a puppet drama without the need of all actors showing up. Students and a group of students can use a puppet drama to demonstrate their imagination and learning results. The drama and puppet can be reused easily by other students. This project is to design and implement a digital puppet drama so that teachers in a classroom do not need to prepare the puppets and the stage and use puppet drama for learning. The puppet theater system includes (1) outlook, (2) actions, (3) manipulation interface, (4) cognitive recognition capabilities, (5) stage setting, (6) authoring system, and (7) performing system. The students can use the puppet theater to learn by watching, by designing scripts, and by performing puppet drama. The users can design autonomous puppet to perform in a drama. The puppet can also be controlled by actors through voice, hand gesture, and body gesture.