摘要: | 現存描述工作流程的方式都著重在程序(Process)上; 曾有研究指出商業文件在組織內扮演著很吃重的角色,基於此,本方法論針對文件式工作流程提出文件驅動描述法(Document-Driven Approach)。在企業或是組織內會有很多的商業文件,在本研究中提出當有一份商業文存在時則會觸發它相對應的流程,整個流程進行包含文件在不同角色間的傳遞與各別角色對此文件所需執行的商業規則等。進行流程的相關資訊: 文件相關資訊(document related information)、流程描述(process description)、商業規則(business rules)則被定義為商業邏輯(business logic)。我們使用圖形化工作基規格(TBCG)來描述商業邏輯,它是以工作(Task)為基礎,輔以Task/Subtask/Method模式描述整個系統,描述後的系統會一個形成工作階層(Task Hierarchy)。(1)在本研究會找出TBCG與商業邏輯之間的對應關係完成文件所伴隨的商業邏輯描述。(2)提出文件驅動描述法的使用步驟。(3)此外尚應用XML定義TBCG整個規格,將整個TBCG以XML包裝,以方便在網路上不同節點間作資料交換。整個文件驅動描述法將以學校公文系統當作例子加以說明。 Current workflow modeling is focused on processes; but there are researches that show that business documents play an important role in organizations, due to this, we propose a document-driven approach on document based workflow. In our approach, there are many documents exist in an organization or enterprise, each document will trigger its associated process flow including the business document routed between roles and business rules of each role etc. The information needed for the process flow: document content, process description and business rules are defined as Business Logic; we document business logic by TBCG, it describes the system by task/subtask/method approach and form a task hierarchy to describe the system. We will find the mapping between TBCG and business logic to accomplish business logic description, and propose the document-driven approach steps to define process flow. Besides, we also apply XML to define the specifications of TBCG in order to make it more convenient to exchange data in the web. The proposed approach is illustrated by a school official document system. |