Czochralski(Cz)方法已廣泛用於生長矽單晶。在Cz生長過程中熔湯高度的變化和為了增加晶錠體積而提高熔湯體積等,均會造成晶體熔液界面下溫度和熔液速度的擾波,進而促成所生長晶體內缺陷的形成。改進Cz長晶法這些缺點,為目前研究的重點。連續供料式的柴氏(CCz)長晶技術使用多個坩堝來容納矽熔湯,可克服Cz生長技術的缺點。從文獻中發現,CCz可連續地的供應矽顆粒融化,維持溶液液面的高度,所生長的矽晶棒具均勻的電阻率分佈和高的少數載流子壽命,但是關於此主題的研究文獻發表很少。為了很好地控制和優化矽單晶的生長過程,需要進一步解析CCz長晶過程中,在不同生長條件下的流場,熱場,雜質輸送和缺陷形式的演變。因此,在本研究中,將建立CCz長晶方法之數值模擬方法,研究各種操作參數對雙坩堝矽熔液的流動、熱傳、氧雜質及摻雜劑傳輸和缺陷形成的影響。此外,還將分析用於減少氧雜質含量和點缺陷的生長參數,並對爐膛幾何形狀及坩堝進行優化,同時探索獲得快速拉拔CCz矽錠的生長方法。 ;Nowadays Czochralski (Cz) method is popularly used to grow the single silicon ingots. However, the change of melt depth during the Cz growth and the enlargement of melt volume to pull the large size of ingot increase the formation of defects due to the fluctuations of temperature and melt velocity under the crystal-melt interface. This leads to the improvement of growth technique to overcome these disadvantages. The continuous Czochralski (CCz) technology is introduced with using more than one crucible to contain the silicon melt. It was found from literature that a uniform resistivity distribution and high minority carrier lifer can be obtained from the silicon ingots grown by CCz method because of continuously supplying silicon charge. However, there are very few publications on this topic. In order to well-control and well-optimize the silicon crystal growth process, the characteristics of the evolution of flow, heat, impurity transport, dopant transport and defect formation under different growth conditions need to be well-understood. In this study, therefore, a modeling of CCz growth is investigated with coupling the thermal, flow, and oxygen transport. The optimization of CCz growth condition and furnace geometry with the modification of the inner crucible wall to lower the point defect density and oxygen content, and obtain the higher pulling speed of crystal is also discussed.