摘要: | 時域天文學在現代是門非常前沿和活躍的天文學術研究。歸功與多個時域巡天觀測計劃,包括了正在進行的Zwicky Transient Facility(ZTF) 和即將開始的Large Synoptic Survey Telescope(LSST),我們現處在時域天文學的黃金時代。在這第II期計劃裏,我們將會使用ZTF 3年的時序觀測資料,加上在鹿林天文臺進行的後續觀測,來作對變星的研究。我們也會加入LSST並爲其做準備。在這第II期計劃裏將會進行的研究計劃包括了,但不限於,以下的計劃:Be型星的時序變化,天琴RR型變星在gri濾鏡的周期-光度-金屬豐度關系,用ZTF來對天琴RR型變星的Blazhko現象研究,在銀河系盤面的變星研究,對米拉變星的光變曲線研究,和在鹿林天文臺進行的lucky images 觀測。對學生的訓練也是我們第II期計劃裏其中一個非常重要目標,部分的研究計劃將會由碩博班的學生來主導。通過這些研究計劃,學生們可以受到在時域天文學研究上的訓練,以及掌握他們在未來的職涯上重要和有用的技能如機械學習,統計學,電腦程式和資料庫處理。 ;Time-domain astronomy is a forefront and active research area in astronomy. Thanks to various sky survey projects, including the current Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) and upcoming Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), we are in the golden age of time-domain astronomy. In our Phase-II Project, we will harvest the full 3 years of ZTF time series data, together with follow-up observations from Lulin Observatory, to carry out research in variable stars. We will also join and be prepared for the LSST in coming years. Several research projects that will be carried out in our Phase-II Project include, but not limited to, variability of Be stars, period-luminosity-metallicity relations for RR Lyrae in gri filters, investigation of Blazhko RR Lyrae with ZTF, variable stars research in Galactic Plane, study of Miras light curves, and lucky image observations on the Lulin Observatory. Students training is also a very important goal in our Phase-II Project, and a number of these research projects will be lead by graduate students. Through these research projects, students can be trained in the study of time-domain astronomy, and master skills such as machine learning, statistics, programming and database that are important and valuable for their future careers. |