本研究利用自製高分子感光材料PQ-DMNA/PMMA 使用640 nm 高同調長度雷射光以雙光束干涉記錄,在材料同位置二次曝光第一次為記錄穿透式光柵與第二次為反射式光柵,並將經過二次曝光後的 PQ-DMNA/PMMA 直接放置在雷射二極體(638 nm)前達成窄化雷射輸出光譜及高斯光束輸出。並使用雷射注入方式,將半導體雷射輸出窄化,拉長同調長度,並且利用此方法以半導體雷射達成全像記錄。;In this research, two characteristic optical elements in one hologram was made by using homemade PQ: DMNA/PMMA with 640 nm high coherence laser recording. Then, using the recorded sample, which was manufactured by two-beam interference,to feedback the 638 nm laser diode which then simultaneously narrowed down and shaped the output of transverse mode to Gaussian beam. Finally, using laser injection lock to narrow down the laser-diode spectrum, holographic recording using laser diode is achieve.