作為我國對環境保護影響最深遠的環保人員訓練,其各訓練課程仍有許多不符合環保人員實際需求、課程安排不合理或是科目教材內容邏輯不足等問題,造成通過訓練測驗的人數增加,但合格的環保人員卻能力不足的狀況。面對這樣的狀況,我國主導環保人員訓練課程的最大單位行政院環境保護署環境保護人員訓練所(以下簡稱環訓所)面臨以上狀況,選擇的方式便是直接對其進行編修或是從頭重新發展。不過盡管歷經多次編修,但在實務操作上仍無法滿足或符合真實世界之需求的狀況,其根原因是因為這些訓練課程在發展或編修課程時無論是否長期維持同一個團隊執行,都可能因為團隊所編修或發展的看法與標準不同,所導致難以確保這次看似完善的編修或發展結果到下一次或下一個團隊手上時是否完善的狀況,進而影響訓練課程的內容。因此,若不產出一套環保人員訓練課發展作業指引作為環保人員訓練課程發展的依據,上述問題仍會持續發生,但要建立環保人員訓練課程發展作業的指引,則必須鎖定特定的環保人員訓練才能建立,為使不同環保人員訓練課程發展作業指引在建立時都能有所依據,因此,本研究從過去訓練課程發展的經驗取其長處,確立了系統化、事件化及標準化是課程發展重要的原則並加以定義,並使用系統發展生命週期法依序確立各週期中作業的基本目的、目標及概念後,產出環保人員訓練課程發展的各項作業、作業的程序步驟及方法,且透過實際應用在廢(污)水處理專責人員訓練課程的發展,將結果與過去課程相比後,確認這套作業產出的結果基本上可解決上述過去訓練課程的困擾,並可作為環保人員訓練課程發展作業的基礎使用,但若要實際建立環保人員訓練課程發展作業指引時,仍須視實際情況增修其細節。;Many environmental specialists training courses often face the situation that the training courses are not able to meet the needs of the real world. Even had compiled for times, the training courses still have different views and standards when they are developed or edited. Which makes it difficult to ensure whether the seemingly perfect result will be perfect next time, then it effect the content of the training course. Therefore, if the guidelines for development of environmental specialists training courses is not produced as a basis for the development of training courses, the problems above will keep happened. It must be locked on some specific training, if we want to establish the guidelines for the development of environmental specialists training courses. To provide the basis of the environmental specialists training course development guidelines, this study establishes a set of environmental specialists training course development operation based on the concepts and principles of systematic and event, this operation used the system development life cycle method to sequentially define the operations, goals, objectives and concepts of the development of environmental specialists training courses. The operations applied on the training courses of dedicated wastewater and sewage treatment specialists is confirmed to be used as the basis for the environmental specialists training course development. However, to actually establish the guidelines of environmental specialists training course, the details must still be revised according to the actual situation.