隨著行動裝置以及互聯網普及,在行動裝置上的共享平台 (Sharing platform)往往扮演串連消費者與供應商舉足輕重之角色,例如Uber、Airbnb。共享平台市場規模的不斷增長,某些平台品牌選擇進行平台延伸以提供更多種類的服務,然而,使用者信任延伸平台品牌成了有趣的議題。有別於過去探討使用者參與共享平台使用意圖之研究,本研究深入研究原共享平台與延伸共享平台之間的信任移轉關係。且探討兩平台關聯條件感知相似性和感知商業關係是否成影響信任傳遞的關機鍵因素。另外整納外在因素的任務-科技配適度和內在因素的自我效能,以探究使用者信任共享平台的原因。本研究採用問卷調查法,共計回收有效問卷 417份,以線性結構方程式進行研究假說之分析。本研究經由實證分析結果發現,原平台信任對於兩關聯條件中感知相似性和感知商業關係皆有正向影響,且知商業關係到延伸平台信任有正向顯著影響。表示透過平台之間的聯繫關係,能夠讓使用者對原平台品牌的信任成功移轉至延伸品牌上。另一方面,任務-科技配適度會正向顯著影響對原平台的信任,表示使用者起初在選擇陌生新平台品牌時,會根據該平台的科技是否能滿足其需求而信任。而自我效能對延伸平台信任有正向顯著影響。代表面對同一品牌系列的延伸平台時,相對陌生,而具備較高自我效能的使用者,信任該平台的效果會越顯著。本研究的研究結果能夠提供學術與企業對於共享平台品牌拓展的參考方向與建議。;With the popularity of mobile devices and the IoT, Sharing platforms on mobile devices like Uber and Airbnb play a critical role connecting consumers and suppliers. As the market size growing continuously, some platform brands choose to extend the platform to provide more types of services. It has become a topic worthy of our attention. As far as we know, previous studies that focus on examined users′ intention to participate in a sharing platform. This study examines the trust transfer relationship between the original platform and the extension platform. Additionally, we integrated the task-technology fit of external factors and self-efficacy of internal factors to explore the reasons why users trust the sharing platform. The research model was tested with data collected from 417 potential users, and using structural equation modeling (SEM) to validate the causal relationship between variables. The results of this study were summarized as follows. Perceived business tie and the extended platform trust have mediating effect. It means that through the connection between platforms, users′ trust can be successfully transferred to the extended brand. On the other hand, task-technology fit has the positive effect on the original platform trust, and self-efficacy has a positive effect extension platform trust. It means that users trust a new platform brand which based on whether the platform′s can fit their mission, and have higher self-efficacy, will have a more significant effect on trusting the new platform. The results of this study could provide a reference on academic and practical aspects.