摘要: | 本篇論文闡述如何建構一套量測波長範圍在 2.5-5 μm 的中紅外壓縮感知鬼影成像系統 來量測在矽橡膠封裝內的 LED 晶片熱影像。藉由選擇適當的光學元件和單像素偵測器, 量測能穿透矽橡膠封裝的波長 3.7-4.7 μm 中紅外熱輻射,搭配空間光調制器(spatial light modulator, SLM)提供空間解析度,最後再以基於壓縮感知的演算法,成功重建矽橡膠封 裝內 LED 晶片的熱影像;A ghost imaging system-based thermal camera is proposed and built to measure the thermal image of a LED chip in silicone rubber encapsulation. With a proper choice of optics and a bucket detector to measure the 3.5-4.5 μm thermal radiation transmitting the silicone encapsulation, spatial resolution provided with spatial light modulation, and algorithm based on compressive sensing, thermal images of a LED in the silicone rubber encapsulation can be reconstructed. |