一般傳統儲存系統都是一個記錄位置記錄一個訊號,例如光碟在讀寫時都是判斷當下位置的訊號是0或1,對應著數位訊號的一個位元bit,在連續讀取數個不同位置後得到一位元組byte,以此離散的代碼符號表示資訊。 本論文提出一種特殊參考光調製下,在不同位置對同個記錄區域重曝預設好的相位訊號之記錄方式,此記錄區域在讀取時,隨讀取位置改變對應到讀取光不同位置波前時,會有隨讀取位置變化的繞射訊號疊加讀出,因此單一一個記錄位置即可讀出一位元組資訊,以實現多工時降低M/#消耗以達到增加儲存容量的效果。 ;In traditional holographic data storage system, a recording position can only record one signal. When reading holographic disk, we only distinguish the signal between zero and one from one place. After moving between different places, we can get a continuous binary dataset. In our approach, we try to modulate a spatial reference beam contains designed phase signal based on recording position. Thus, reading signals might vary in different position. After single position record in different position, we scan reading beam and read sets of data. This method changes one place one signal rule and greatly improve storage space.