本研究從個案分析的角度,研究與探討D公司在通訊產業及5G換代下的企業經營策略,如何避開低端產品的殺價競爭,以及朝向自主開發產品的利基型市場,透過SWOT分析及SWOT矩陣圖提供企業經營策略與建議,產業研究分析來研判市場趨勢與走向,提供企業制定經營策略時的參考。D公司經營策略與關鍵成功因素為:1.自主研發與專利申請,以取得產品專利使公司擁有產品規格訂定權,以增加公司利潤。2.擴大客戶群,積極參與國外大型商展機會,將產品介紹客戶認識與使用,以擴大海外市場及客戶群。3.積極培育人才,從外部招募人才到內部自行培訓與送員工到技術院受訓等,強化人才培育。以使D公司技術、業務與人才三大領域發揮小而美的經營策略,朝向技術層次高且利基型的特種鎧裝光纜發展,藉由這些做法,來強化企業體質,創造競爭優勢,提高企業經營績效,並提供個案公司與同業參考。;This research implements the D Company’s business strategy in the communications industry and 5G replacement, by using case study. We combine theory with practices, including the SWOT analysis and SWOT matrix analysis, Industry Research, Business strategy and Business Transformation, to improve the company’s profit and growth in the 5G stage. D Company’s business strategy and key success factors are, keep in Research and Development, obtained a patent, to participate in foreign exhibitions to expand overseas market, cultivate talents, etc. Make D company’s business strategy of technology, business and human resources develop towards high-tech and high-profit products, as Armored Cable. All these are expected to help reach the highest efficiency and the highest revenue, and strengthen the internal system, create more competitive advantages and improve the management efficiency for the business.