網際服務實現了跨平台、跨語言、跨網路的整合目的,透過網際服務開放式的標準,應用程式之間可以進行互動與合作,並能分享與共用各種資訊。在另一方面,代理人的觀念漸漸受到重視,而代理人系統可以較智慧的方式輔助使用者操作軟體系統,透過收納專家智慧,模擬專家推理行為,來達成較佳的服務遞送。 本研究主要在於制定一個服務導向代理人架構,來整合智慧型代理人與網際服務技術,利用此架構,我們將可充分結合各式各樣的網際服務,並利用智慧代理人的技術,來提供使用者更便利的服務環境。 The Web Services achieve the purpose of integration that satisfies the cross-platform, cross-language and cross-network requirements. With the standard of Web Services, each application can interact, cooperate and share information with others. On the other hand, agent technology is applied more. The system that applies agent helps users operate the software system intelligently. It gathers the information from experts and simulates the experts’ reasoning logics to achieve efficient service delivery. This thesis is based on Service-Oriented Framework with Agents (SOFA) that integrates the intelligent agent and Web Services technology. With the SOFA, we can integrate various Web Services on the Internet, and apply the agent technology to provide a convenient service environment for users.