摘要: | 三七五減租為我國於民國三十八年四月十四日開始實施之土地改革政策, 並於民國四十年六月七日正式公布《耕地三七五減租條例》,其政策目的為改善國民初期之耕地租期不定、租金高額、任意收回耕地等等之亂象,規定地主不得收取超過主要作物正產品全年收穫總量千分之三百七十五之租金,而三七五減租之施行除了保障佃農之權益外,也為後續之土地改革政策建立了良好的基礎。然,隨著時間之演進、環境之改變,三七五減租至今已實施七十年,但其法源依據,即《耕地三七五減租條例》,僅歷經三次修法,其中僅於民國七十二年為因應時代變遷,放寬終止租約規定,其餘皆為租約糾紛之處理程序,或行政組織、業務職掌之調整。 本研究為探究三七五減租未進行政策變遷之原因,以Sabatier &Jenkins- Smith 兩位學者所提出的政策倡導聯盟架構(Advocacy Coalition Framework)作為研究架構,希望以此探詢地主、佃農在三七五減租之政策議題上,其所秉持之理念為何?擁有什麼資源、採取哪些策略企圖去影響政策走向?以及政策掮客、政策次級系統外的相對穩定變項、外部系統事件對政策變遷造成甚麼影響?故,本研究以文獻分析法先初步歸納出政策倡導聯盟架構之各個變項,再以深度訪談法與研究對象進行對談,以此修正文獻分析之不足,並找出政策未變遷之原因。 透過文獻分析與深度訪談所獲之研究資料,本研究將結果彙整後之研究發 現為:三七五減租存續至今且無法變遷或修法之原因,與主管機關態度消極、做為保守,以及立法委員以政治為修法考量有關。亦即擁有政策調整權之主管機關未積極正視三七五減租之政策問題,擁有立法權之民意代表未以正當角度作為修法與否之依據,是本研究所認為之因素。另外,本研究也提出未來可能的研究方向,期望本研究能夠為後續相關之研究提供基礎。;The 37.5% Arable Rent Reduction is an agrarian reform policy that implemented on April 14, 1949, and " The 37.5% Arable Rent Reduction Act " were promulgated on June 7, 1951. The policy objective is improving the cultivated land of uncertain lease term, high rent, arbitrary recovery of cultivated land, etc. It stipulates that landowners shall not charge rents exceeding the total annual harvest of the main crop products by 37.5%. The 37.5% Arable Rent Reduction in addition to protecting the rights of lease farmers, it also establishes a good foundation for the follow-up agrarian reform policies. However, with the evolution of time and changes in the environment, the 37.5% Arable Rent Reduction has been implemented for 70 years, but its legal source basis, " The 37.5% Arable Rent Reduction Act ", only after three amendments, of which in response to the time changes, loosening the termination of contract in 1983, the rest were dispute handling procedures, or administrative organizations, professional functions of adjustment. In order to explore the reasons why the 37.5% Arable Rent Reduction was unchanged, this study use the research structure of Advocacy Coalition Framework by P. A. Sabatier and H. C. Jenkins-Smith, find the policy ideal of landlords and lease farmers in the 37.5% Arable Rent Reduction. What resources are available and what strategies are used to influence policy direction? How the policy brokers, relatively stable parameters, and external events affect policy changes? Therefore, this study uses the literature analysis method to summarize the various changes of the Advocacy Coalition Framework, and then interview with the research object by in-depth interview method, so as to correct the deviation of the literature analysis, and find out the reasons for the policy unchanged. Through the literature analysis and in-depth interview obtained research data, the results of this study found that: the 37.5% Arable Rent Reduction is sustainable and unchanged or repaired, the reasons are that administrative agency attitude negative, conservative, and legislators consider political as a revision of the law. Namely, the administrative agency with the power to adjust policy do not face up to the policy issue of the 37.5% Arable Rent Reduction, and the legislators with legislative power do not take a properly point as the basis for amending the law. In addition, this study also proposes possible future research direction, it is hoped that this study can provide the basis for follow-up related research. |