本篇論文以實現合理的邊際參與(Legitimate Peripheral Participation ,LPP)之過程學習理念,根據學術上期刊投稿的方式,建立Wiki網路期刊(Web Journal)評量系統。系統中除了利用作業、投稿、評審及觀摩來使學生模擬學術投稿,讓學生養成貢獻及分享學習經驗的態度,依學生的知識能力、理解能力、分析能力及管理能力將學生分成4個不同的角色-Reader、Author、Reviewer、Editor,最後再依各角色專長及能力給予不同的工作,使學生能由不同工作的訓練,逐漸向學習的核心邁進,由最低層漸漸升至最高層,增加同學參與練習(practice)課業活動的機會,讓學生練習自主及組織管理的能力。 本論文主要是針對明新科技大學資訊管理系二技二年級學生在使用本系統後,對其課程的各項學習指標上所做的研究。在研究中發現大部分的學生能因本系統而越來越願意分享及貢獻他們的學習經驗,也藉由觀摩其他人的作品進而提昇自我投稿及評審的能力,並在實務社群中透過不同社群角色的訓練下,逐漸的提高學習成效,朝學習的核心邁進。另外,在問卷中絕大多數(86%)的學生也認為本系統對學習是很有幫助的,並有87%的學生願意推薦此Wiki Web Journal評量系統給其他課程及班級使用。 整體而言,此Wiki Web Journal評量系統所形成的實務社群,確實有助於學生學習,並發揮其成效。 In the traditional learning environment, a teacher usually assigns coursework designed to allow students to practice skills. A teacher can evaluate the learning performance of students according to the quality of their coursework. Students with varied abilities thus may not be able to learn effectively through traditional coursework activity in which a teacher assigns the same tasks to all students in a class. This paper proposes to use Wiki system to construction journal-publishing community, connecting through a publication called Wiki Web Journal System. In a Web-based coursework environment designed to improve the efficiency of knowledge sharing for a programming course by endowing learners with roles. According to Lave’s learning theory, we want to construct a community of practice with social interdependence in the class to help students learning. Students can learn how to share valuable knowledge by submitting and reviewing. Teacher can assign students different roles in the situated assignment environment. Results of data analysis and questionnaires indicate that the Wiki Web Journal System can promote knowledge sharing effectively, improve the quality of students’ coursework, and advance learning performance .