摘要: | 人格特質會影響一個人的思考、行動甚至喜好,大五人格廣泛應用於飲食行為分析的研究。台灣由於咖啡館林立造就了眾多的咖啡飲用人口,消費者也各自有其偏愛的咖啡種類。因此本研究試圖從受測者的大五人格特質探討對於咖啡飲用習慣上的影響。 飲用頻率上,黑咖啡飲用天數正相關謹慎負責性,並具有3%解釋力;無糖拿鐵飲用天數負相關親和性,並具有6.5%解釋力;有糖拿鐵飲用天數負相關外向性、謹慎負責性、開放性,並分別具有5.7、2.3、3.1%解釋力,同時以此三種人格進行多元回歸的解釋力達7.2%;日常有咖啡飲用習慣者,人格特質影響的顯著性會更加明顯。飲用偏好上,以大五人格分數應用支持向量機進行咖啡種類的喜好預測,準確率達74.1%。總體可發現咖啡飲用習慣的確與受測者的人格特質具有關聯性。
關鍵字:大五人格、咖啡飲用、飲用頻率、飲用偏好、支持向量機;Personality can affect thoughts, actions and preferences. The big five personality traits are widely used in dietary behavior research. Taiwan has a large coffee drinking population due to the numerous cafes. Consumers have their own preferred types of coffee.So, this study attempts to find the relationship between big five personality trait and coffee drinking habit. In drinking frequency, days of black coffee drinking is positive to conscientiousness, explaining 3%. Days of sugar-free latte drinking is negative to agreeableness, explaining 6.5%. Days of latte drinking is negative to extraversion, conscientiousness, and openness, explaining 5.7, 2.3, and 3.1%. It explains 7.2% of the latte drinking days when combining three personality traits. Daily drinking′s people have more obvious in personality traits. In drinking preferences, people like black coffee and sugar-free latte. Prefer for black coffee than sugar-free latte, with higher agreeableness and conscientiousness. Prefer for black coffee than latte, with higher emotional stability. There is no significant difference in personality traits between sugar-free and latte In drinking preference, the Support Vector Machine was used to predict the coffee preference with the big five personality, and the accuracy was 74.1%. In summary, the personality traits can affect consumers’ coffee drinking habits.
Keyword: Big five personality traits, coffee drinking, drinking frequency, drinking preference, Support Vector Machine |