近年來,因人類為求科技革新及經濟發展,對化石燃料過度開採、導致溫室 氣體大量排放,而造成現今全球暖化的現象,因此發展再生能源成為備受矚目的焦點。太陽能是再生能源中最重要之一項,而影響太陽能電池之光電轉換效率除了太陽能電池材料和電氣參數之外,還有幾個外在的因素需考慮,如:環境溫度、相對濕度等環境參數,皆會影響太陽能電池的性能。 本研究設計不同的環境條件之室內量測場域及室外量測場域,分別以長時 間紀錄環境參數變化及量測太陽能電池在不同環境下之光電轉換效率,並透過皮爾森相關係數分析及高斯最小平方法等來觀察輻照度、環境溫度及相對濕度與光電轉換效率之相關性,亦同時比較室外量測與室內量測結果。 從實驗結果得知,太陽能板置於室外時光電轉換效率變化受輻照度影響最為 顯著,此外如晴朗無風情況下,光電轉換效率受環境溫度增加而有顯著降低。相對濕度則須考慮絕對溼度,當絕對溼度上升時,光電轉換效率卻明顯下降。綜上可得知:絕對溼度與光電轉換效率成高度負相關,這也使得相對濕度與光電轉換效率成高度負相關。;In addition to the material and electrical parameters of the solar cell, there are several external factors that affect the photoelectric conversion efficiency of the solar cell. For example, ambient temperature and relative humidity,which are environmental factors, also affect the performance of the solar cell. In this study, an outdoor measurement region and an indoor measurement region under different environmental conditions were designed to record the changes of environmental parameters and to measure the photoelectric conversion efficiency of solar cells in different environmental conditions. Then use Pearson correlation coefficient and Gaussian least squares method to observe the correlation between irradiance, ambient temperature and relative humidity and photoelectric conversion efficiency. The outdoor measurement results and indoor measurement results are also compared. From the experimental results, it is known that the photoelectric conversion efficiency is significantly affected by the irradiance when the solar panel is placed outdoors. In addition, the photoelectric conversion efficiency is significantly reduced by the increase of the ambient temperature in the case of sunny day without wind. The relative humidity relates to the absolute humidity. When the absolute humidity increase,the photoelectric conversion efficiency decrease significantly. Therefore, it can be seen that absolute humidity is strong negatively correlated with the photoelectric conversion. efficiency, which also makes the photoelectric conversion efficiency strong negatively correlated with relative humidity