Web 是目前最受歡迎的工作平臺,在我們的研究中,我們發現一些以Web為基礎的訓練學習工具及電腦輔助設計(CAD)軟體正被企業廠商所發展,其目的為透過使用Web技術來對於使用者做教學安排或電腦輔助設計。 最近幾年由於網際網路與電腦技術快速的發展,使得更激起一些較容易獲取及負擔得起的電腦輔助設計解決方法,以便於運用在辦公室、教室及家裡。在今天,由於快速、及時的網路環境被逐漸的發展,以致於傳統的工作模式正被挑戰著。 本研究的目的在運用網路技術來發展一套以Web 為基礎的網路互動式繪圖系統,有一些重要的議題將在本論文中被討論。我們將發展一個整合式電腦繪圖系統,並探討其相關的議題。 在本篇論文中,我們藉由Bézier, B-Spline 及NURBS演算法之個案研究,並且結合電腦輔助設計(CAD)與Web 之技術來發展一互動式電腦繪圖系統。這個研究的目的是為增進使用者透過網路在學習與設計CAD之效率與能力。另外,亦有其他的好處是由於網路瀏覽器是網際網路與區域網路共同的作業平台,因此本系統可發展為攜帶式及可隨時下載使用的界面,非常方便,並且只要具備有瀏覽器的電腦即可執行。事實上,本系統還能將所繪製的圖形存檔,互相傳遞,達成資源共享的功效。 The Web is a popular platform for training educators and learners in educational systems. We find several Web-based training systems and computer-aided design (CAD) software, which are developed by enterprises, that try to train users to use Web technologies in educational settings and CAD. The rapid growth of the Internet and computer technology in recent years has sparked a demand for easily accessible and affordable design solutions in corporate offices, classrooms, and homes. Traditional design models being challenged by the fast-paced, real-time environments available today. The purpose of this thesis is to apply network technology to the design of Web-based graphics systems for user. Several issues will be addressed in this paper such as the development of an Integrated Interactive Graphics System (IIGS) for a better design environment. In this thesis, we attempted to develop a web-based computer graphics system by Bézier, B-spline and NURBS algorithms. The purpose of the research was to increase the effect of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) in network .The other advantages is that network browser is the common platform in internet and intranet, the graphics system can be portable cross different operating system, as like windows 95,linux. In fact, the graphics system was an attempt to be shared the resource each other.