本論文探討α-spline與NURBS(Non-Uniform Rational B-spline)演算法的數學模式與特性,並實際應用在個人電腦(PC)的電腦輔助繪圖系統上。 本論文在AutoCAD電腦繪圖輔助系統內建構雕塑曲面介面發展系統,以Visual C++為主要程式建構交談介面及運算程式,以增加運算速度。 使用者可以在現有軟體AutoCAD上加入本文的雕塑曲面介面,即可設計複雜的造型,而不必重新學習其他具有雕塑曲面設計功能的電腦軟體,進而提升設計的效率。 In this thesis we study the mathematics and properties on α-spline and NURBS(Non-Uniform Rational B-spline), and then implement it on computer-aided design system in PC. In Order to increase the efficiency and calculation speed, we use Visual C++ Language to construct sculpture surfaces on AutoCAD 2000 in an interactive way. The user can design complex sculpture surfaces such as die design, shoe shape, aircraft body, ship hull, automobile body, etc. in AutoCAD 2000.