雷達是ㄧ種可以提供目標物所在的位子、速度、及ㄧ些特定資訊的裝置,藉著發射訊號與接收訊號之間的差異,來獲得我們想要的訊息。雷達訊號有很多種類,且很多訊號形式類似,在雷達接收端有時會分不清何者為此雷達打到目標物後傳回來的訊號,因此本論文使用最大可能性估測法(Maximum Likelihood)來作訊號辨識的工作。 本論文主要是針對頻擾雷達訊號與巴可碼雷達訊號來作訊號辨識效能的評估,論文中模擬各種類型的訊號,有同脈波重複週期同脈波持續時間的訊號,不同脈波重複週期同脈波持續時間的訊號和同脈波重複週期不同脈波持續時間的訊號等,藉著改變各種參數來看這些參數對訊號辨識的影響,如改變觀察時間、不同數目的訊號、不同函數及觀看週期與持續時間的改變對辨識效能所造成的影響。 A radar is an apparatus which provides positions, velocities, and some other specific informations about the objectives of concern. It collects information by comparing the differences between transmit signals and receiver signals. There are many types of radar signals, some of which hold similar forms. Sometimes the radar is not able to distinguish signals which are emitted by itself from those which are interferences. This work is to study signal identification based on the method of Maximum Likelihood. The objective of this study is to evaluate the performance of radar signal identification, mainly focusing on chirp radar and barker coded radar. Three types of radar signals are simulated. Different sets of parameters are used to evalute their influences on the performance of signal identufucation. These parameters include, different numbers of signals, different functions, pulse repetition interval, and pulse duration time.