行動隨意式網路是一種能夠在沒有事先建置基礎架構的環境下,由無線主機所臨時組成的網路。因為缺乏足夠頻寬供應,不但影響傳輸效能外,在安全性方面也有很大缺陷。若能透過具有完整安全層面架構的802.16寬頻無線網路技術就可以提昇無線傳輸上的安全性。這項研究所提出的WMANs與ad hoc網路整合系統架構上的中控中心Agent負責完成分配與交換金鑰且決定路由等任務。 Agent 會將每個網路傳輸連線根據連線時的需求,賦予不同之安全等級。利用使用者之AK來做認證。TEK是對每個連線產生之獨立加密金鑰。可以用它來保護資料的機密性,真實性。所以此整合系統可以避免掉一些惡意的攻擊。由實驗結果顯示,我們所提的(SAGRP)具有安全性的中控指導路由協定的傳輸效能表現高於AODV,並且尋找路由的負載也比較輕。 A mobile ad hoc network is a collection of wireless terminals that can be deployed rapidly. Its deficiencies include limited wireless bandwidth efficiency, low throughput, large delays, and weak security. Integrating it with 802.16 networks, via a well established 802.16 security architecture for ad hoc network security managements, can improve communication and security in ad hoc networks. This research proposes WMANs Guided Mobile Ad Hoc Network (WGMA) architecture, in which a WGMA agent in the WMANs provides key management, distribution and route decision. A Secure Agent Guided Routing Protocol (SAGRP) is proposed. The routing and security information is exchanged between the nodes and the agent through SS. Using the AK for each node and the TEK for each service flow, can do node to node authentication and can prevent attacks using modification, impersonation and fabrication. Simulation results show that the ad hoc network performance can be greatly improved with the higher throughput and lesser delay and routing load than AODV.