本研究主要在設計及實作一個輔助技巧熟練之賓果式遊戲。大部分學生覺得數學很難,且不喜歡去學數學,很多研究學者認為電腦遊戲可以用來增加小朋友對數學的學習慾望及興趣,本論文針對以下的問題來設計一個給國小學生,輔助他們技巧熟練的遊戲:1)如何利用輔助技巧熟練的遊戲來增加練習者練習數學的學習動機和興趣? 2)如何在輔助數學技巧熟練的遊戲中增加練習者的練習效率及精確度? EduBingo是一個賓果式遊戲可以吸引國小學童及讓他們擁有高度學習動機的環境。為了評估系統設計和活動的可用性並探討EduBingo對學生情緒的影響,本研究以22個國小四年級學童參與的實驗做觀察與探討。在實驗的結果可以發現學生在練習遊戲中的學習動機,學習興趣,專注力及集中力都有所提升,並發現EduBingo提供一個較高學習動機的環境,所有的學生都很樂於練習數學。 The objective of the research is to design and implement a bingo-like game for mathematics skill building. Many students find mathematics difficult and do not like studying mathematics. Some researchers suggest that computer games can be highly effective in increasing children’s learning and enjoyment of mathematics. The research described in this thesis addresses the following questions in designing the game for mathematics skill building for elementary school children: 1) How to increase motivation and interests in mathematics practice through game-based skill building? 2) How to increase students’ efficiency and accuracy in mathematics game-based skill building? EduBingo is a bingo-like game aimed at providing elementary school children a highly motivating and engaging environment for mathematics skill building. An evaluation study was conducted in an elementary school in Taipei where 22 grade 4 students participated. The goals of the evaluation were to evaluate the system usability and activity design and explore the effects of EduBingo on the students’ affective states. It was found that there was an increase in the level of motivation, interests, focus and concentration in students while playing the game. The results suggest that EduBingo provided a motivating learning environment and students enjoyed practicing mathematics.