讓學生自己產生題目具有理解培養和理解監控的功能,能夠輔助學生了解教材,並進行深層的思考,乃是一個有效的學習策略。由於科技的發展,無網通訊技術趨於成熟,本研究設計了一套在一對一數位教室環境中進行的學習活動:問一個好問題(Asking a Good Question,簡稱為AGQ),此活動以學生產生Q&A、評量、討論為主,讓學生在上課時進行此活動,促進學習。本研究同時建立了一套系統來輔助老師和學生進行AGQ活動,讓學生能夠流暢地進行每一個任務,進而增加學習成效,老師也能夠輕易地看到學生的學習狀態,同時管理控制整個活動。本研究針對研究所學生進行了四週的實驗,實驗目的為證實AGQ活動的可用性和可接受性與系統的可用性。實驗結果發現系統也能幫助學生進行活動,而AGQ活動也確能輔助學生學習教材內容。 Student question generation is a comprehension-fostering cognitive strategy and a comprehension-monitoring metacognitive strategy. It can help student understand the material and involve in high level thinking, and it is an effective learning strategy. Due the development and maturation of wireless technology, the study designs a learning activity in the 1:1 digital classroom environment named “Asking a Good Question” (AGQ). The activity involves students in question generation, assessment, and discussion in the classroom, and then enhances learning. The study also designs a system to support students to complete every task in the AGQ smoothly and to help the teacher manage and monitor the AGQ activity. The study carries out an experiment lasting four weeks, and the goal is to verify the usability and accessibility of the activity and the usability of the corresponding system. The result of experiment demonstrates that AGQ activity can enhance the comprehension of the material and the system can support students to take part in the activity.