本論文研究主旨是建構一個學習系統機器代言人來幫助大一學生學習進度的進行和學習資訊的掌握。 我們在系統設計過程有不斷地對大一學生做訪談與測試來調整修改我們的系統,以期最後的成品能達到使用者的需求,並把相關的研究經驗給記錄起來,做為其他人想建置相關研究的參考。 最後我們有對五名大一學生做一系列相關的實驗,並對實驗結果做相關的分析與討論。實驗顯示學習系統機器代言人的系統閒聊部份,學生有很高的意願來使用此系統,並且可與大一學生建立長期的關係。我們系統並提供機器人說話、聲音及機器人擬真動作,亦更能引起大一學生的注意,增加他們的使用意願。學習機器人在督促學生繳交作業上,也比用簡訊通知督促學生學習來的更有效果。透過學生與學習機器人的互動過程中,也達到促進與助教溝通討論的機會,且學生都樂於使用。 對於學生和關係機器人的互動部分,大一學生認為學習機器人的適當自動閒聊互動對於整體感覺有比較生動也有加值性,我們也發現大一學生比較重視機器人能為他們提供的實值學習幫助。這點可能和我們使用者年齡對象有關,有待未來進一步探討。 In this paper we want to build a learning website’s robotic agent for freshman studying. It can help freshman manage and notify their studying information. During the design process, we improve our system continually according to the interview with freshman students. We hope the final functions of product which can satisfy user’s need, and we record our experience during our design process for others who want to follow us to build the same system. Finally, a serial experiment is conducted with five freshman students after implementation of our system. Experiment results indicate that freshman students have higher willing to use our system, and will make long-term relationship with our system. We use a computer to connect our robot to give it more functions, like chatting, nonverbal communication, and humanoid motions. In the experiment about notifying studying information for freshman student, experiment results indicate using robot has more efficient than using short message of mobile phone. During the interaction process between robot and freshman students, our system also can increase the opportunity let freshman students to chat with teacher assistant more. In addition, freshman students think it is funny about the small talk that robot has, and we also find freshman students pay much attention to the practical of studying aids about our system. In the future work, it can be a another interesting research in subject’s age。