J-PARC E16實驗利用高強度質子束與碳、銅靶碰撞,來測量在原子核內衰變的向量介子質譜,該實驗有助於理解強子質量的起源和手徵性對稱性。在實驗中,GEM tracker(GTR)是其中一種用於重建粒子軌跡的探測器。目前,我們發現到GTR的殘差分佈在時間和空間上有依賴性,因此希望透過重新校準來消除這些依賴性並得到更小的殘差寬度。本論文通過調整用於重建軌跡時,計算命中位置中的兩項參數,洛倫茲角和偏移常數來消除相關性。在GTR100和GTR200,我們成功消除了這些依賴性,但在GTR300上卻失敗了。在完成校準工作後,我們用測試運轉中的數據來評估模塊編號106上三塊GTR的位置解析度和效率。位置解析度方面,GTR100, 200和300在X和Y方向上分別得到230 µm及440 µm的結果。在X方向上,這個結果已足夠用於軌跡分析,但還沒達到預期的數值(100 µm)。而在效率方面,GTR100和GTR200在X方向上能達到95%,GTR300僅有88%。然而在Y方向上,GTR100到GTR300分別只得到85%、75%和60%,還有待改進。;The J-PARC E16 experiment perform the collision of high-intensity 30-GeV proton beams with carbon, copper and nuclear targets, measure the mass spectra of light vector mesons which decay inside the nucleus. The experiment can help to understand the origin of hadron mass and the chiral symmetry. GEM tracker (GTR) is one of detector used for tracking in the experiment. Currently, the timing and position dependency on the GTRs’ residual are observed, so the work of improved calibration is to eliminate the dependency and reduce the width of residual. We tune the Lorentz angle and offset constant in the hit positions of GTR used in reconstructing a track. The dependencies are eliminated successfully in the GTR100 and GTR200, but not for GTR300. After finishing the calibration work, the position resolutions and efficiencies of three GTRs inside the module 106 are evaluated for the commissioning run. The position resolutions of GTR100, 200 and 300 are determined to be 230 µm in x direction and 440 µm in y direction. It is good enough for track analysis but does not reach the requirement(100 µm in x direction). The efficiencies, in x direction, get 95% on GTR100 and 200, but only 88% on GTR300. In y direction, the improved of efficiency should be done because they are only 85%, 75% and 60% in respectively.