本研究選定工業電腦產業個股標的來探討基本面、技術面,並搭配籌碼面與市場消息面等各種面向佐證分析,利用不同的投資策略,來追求實踐投資具體成效。依本研究的投資策略,大盤不論是多頭或空頭行情,在工業電腦類股族群選擇中小型且具備轉機題材個股標的,其投資的平均年化報酬率明顯高於產業龍頭個股。其結果可提供多數投資人與一般上班族做為未來股票投資理財的有用參考資訊,使手上的資金有更好的投資績效,增加被動收入。;This research selects two listed firms in the industrial computer industry as a sample. A variety of analyses, including fundamentak, technical, chip as well as market news aspects, are utilized, to investigate the price data collected, this study aims to identify a way to enhance the performance for stock investors. The results indicate that in either bull or bear market, choosing stocks with turnarounds, the average annualized rate of return is significantly higher than that of the industry′s leading one. The findings provide investors with a better strategy to improve their investment performance and passive income.