本研究旨在探討醫院中藥局導入「e化中藥局管理系統」的應用價值及其對用藥安全的影響。K科學中藥製藥公司以顧客的需求和痛點為出發點,利用內部資源和能力,將傳統的中藥三讀五對的調劑作業,改造成以系統為主的智慧化管理模式,透過導入人工智慧創新技術,建立了一個智慧中藥局,包含「調劑檢核系統」和「藥櫃燈號系統」的結合。這些創新和數位轉型的做法有助於翻轉中醫藥產業的價值鏈,提升中藥調劑的效率和準確性,同時改善顧客的體驗和用藥安全。 調劑檢核系統是一種利用條碼技術整合供應鏈的系統,從藥廠到病人用藥安全的整個過程提供了有效的管理和控制。首先對中藥調劑檢核系統的原理和功能進行了詳細介紹,系統利用條碼功能建立藥品資訊,包括保存期限管控、用藥警示等,並通過掃描條碼和連接電子磅秤來確保調劑藥品的正確性和數量控制,提升用藥的安全性和可靠性。此外,系統還提供藥品的即時庫存進出作業管理,為中醫藥局的核心作業提供了重要的管理輔助。並針對個案公司的調劑檢核系統客戶進行了問卷調查,以瞭解客戶對系統的滿意度和使用效果,研究結果顯示藥師對導入調劑檢核系統持有正向態度,並認為這項技術可以降低給藥錯誤率。 透過本研究進行,有助於了解藥師調劑錯誤的情形,以及相關可能影響的因子,利用流程改善的方式來分析,杜絕調劑過程中會發生的疏失,建立具節省時間及符合經濟效益的作業方法,期望能建立以用藥安全為中心的安心就醫環境。;The aim of this study is to explore the application value of the Chinese medicine dispensing verification system and its impact on medication safety. The dispensing verification system is a barcode-based system that integrates the supply chain, providing effective management and control throughout the process from pharmaceutical factories to patient medication safety. Firstly, the principles and functionalities of the Chinese medicine dispensing verification system were introduced in detail. The system utilizes the barcode technology to encode information, including expiration date control and medication warnings. The system can ensure the accuracy and quantity of dispensed medications by integrating barcode scanning and electronic scale, thus enhancing medication safety and reliability. Additionally, the system provides real-time inventory management for medications, offering important management support for the core operations of Chinese medicine dispensaries. Furthermore, a questionnaire survey was conducted among the customers of the case company that use the dispensing verification system to understand their satisfaction and the effectiveness of system usage. Through this study, we aim to gain insights into pharmacist dispensing errors and the factors that may influence them. We will analyze the processes and the actual improvements in eliminating mistakes in the dispensing process with the dispensing verification system. Our goal is to establish efficient and cost-effective operating methods that save time while prioritizing medication safety. With technology, we aim to create a healthcare environment that prioritizes patient well-being and provides peace of mind.