摘 要 隨著無線通訊技術的進步再加上大量資訊傳送的要求下,寬頻無線區域網路也逐漸的受到重視,而在無線通訊系統中包含各種不同特性要求的模組,彼此特性的好壞會直接的影響到通訊品質的優劣,建構高特性表現、低價格、重量輕和體積小的模組是未來無線通訊發展的重要目標。 在本論文中,我們著重的是以InGaP/GaAs HBTs (異質接面雙載子電晶體)來製作應用於C頻段(3.95 GHz ~ 8.2 GHz)無線通訊中的微波壓控振盪器(VCO),並以積體化的方式來完成微波壓控振盪器的製作。文中先說明振盪器的組成方式及基本原理,接著介紹壓控振盪器之小訊號模擬,並利用本校實驗室建立的薄膜(thin-film)製程技術在氧化鋁基板上製作且量測出微波壓控振盪器,振盪器振盪頻率為5.155 GHz,輸出功率為6.31 dBm。此外亦設計出在單晶微波積體電路(MMIC)上之微波壓控振盪器(VCO),並利用基極及集極的p-n接面製作變容二極體,以達成異質接面雙極性電晶體及變容二極體的整合製程。文中介紹了5.4 GHz與5.2 GHz MMIC VCO的設計與模擬,最後在對量測所得結果與模擬值做分析比較。 abstract With the current expansion of the wireless communication industry, system integration has become a major trend to meet challenges such as high performance, low cost, light weight, and small size. In this paper, we use InGaP/GaAs HBTs device to design a voltage control oscillator. Althought there is no trivial solution to meet all requirements; however, a combination of MIC and thin-film technology may be a promising approach to realize microwave circuits, where the passive components are fabricated by a clean-room thin-film process. We present the design, implementation and measurement of a MIC VCO. The measurement results of the MIC VCO are output frequency = 5.155 GHz, output power = 6.31 dBm. In addition, we also designed 5.4 GHz and 5.2 GHz MMIC VCOs.