為了使一台車行機器人在一個不確定的環境中,行動的更有效率,必須使用各種不同的感測器,偵測架構出機器人行走的路徑。在本篇論文中,三個超音波感測器及CCD攝影機被安裝於車行機器人上,用來控制倒車入庫的行為。整個路徑之規劃類似駕駛員將車子倒車入庫一般。一般而言,車子移動的速度並不是固定的,所以我們必須以人類的經驗來完成車子倒車入庫的行為。 In this paper, the tri-ultrasonic sensors and CCD camera are installed on a car-like mobile robot to control back-parking behavior. To move efficiently in an uncertain environment, a mobile robot utilizes the observations taken by various sensors to construct information for path planning and execution. The entire path planning that mimics a person’s action driving a car back into the parking space. In general, the speed of the car is not fixed, so we have to exploit the human experience to implement the back-driving behavior.