在後疫情時代,隨著激進的寬鬆與緊縮政策的實施,許多地區性銀行以及國際知名大型銀行相繼倒閉,銀行對於內部控制和應變能力的不足變得日益凸顯,金融科技的蓬勃發展讓資金轉移更加容易,這對流動性風險可能產生重大影響。 本研究以台灣金融科技元年2015年至2024年第三季間共計24家銀行作為研究對象,旨在探討網銀對銀行經營管理影響。數位帳戶累計開戶數作為評估網銀的效果;對於銀行的經營管理狀況,以主管機關是否裁罰,以及該裁罰事件是否對其經營造成不良影響為評估標準。 實證結果發現,數位帳戶累計開戶數與累計開戶數比平均累計開戶數高之變數都有顯著的影響,數位帳戶累計開戶數越多,銀行被裁罰之機率越高,但開戶數超過一定規模時,將產生規模經濟效應,可降低被裁罰之機率,建議銀行應對網銀所帶來流動性風險,進一步加強監控與管理。;In the post-pandemic era, with the implementation of radical Quantitative Easing and Tightening, there are more and more bank is suffering from bank runs and broken. Bank’s board of directors and management do not pay enough attention to internal control and managing their risks. The rapid development of fintech has made fund transfers easier, which may have a significant impact on liquidity risk. This study investigates the relationship between e-banking service and supervision and regulation of bank from 2015 to the third quarter of 2024. Digital account is as the stander to measure effect of e-banking service. A bank complied with the rules and regulations or not is assessment of operating status. The empirical evidence indicates that both the increase in the number of digital account and whether the opening account exceeds the average or not have significant effects. The more digital account there are, the higher the probability of banks being penalized. However, the number of openings exceeds a certain threshold when it comes to economies of scale, the probability of penalized is reducing. It is recommended that banks stronger regulatory and supervisory standards on liquidity risk about e-banking service.